Two weeks after bringing community kids of all ages to Bible camp, the HOPE Centre opens its doors this week to the younger children of Ross River in a continuation of that ministry, to shine light into the darkness. It is so crucial to connect with the campers who came with us to camp and continue pouring into them and reminding them about the truth they heard and the love they experienced. It is also an opportunity to reach out to the younger children who did not have the chance to come to Bible camp and draw them into a relationship with God and teach them about his love and hope for them. This week, the HOPE Centre is hosting a Kid's Club Vacation Bible School for an hour and a half each afternoon. The kids get to run around and play crazy games, sing songs about God and the Bible, enjoy a snack and hear stories about God, His love, and their need for Him. We are privileged to have a young woman come on board with us this week from Alberta, helping teach the kids new songs and share stories from the Bible for Kid's Club.
After putting up posters last week and telling kids who came swimming in the pool about VBS, today - the first day of VBS - dawned with anticipation. We eagerly prepared Rice Krispie treats for the snack, set up chairs in the HOPE Centre, then gathered together and prayed for all the kids we hoped would be coming and what God was going to do in their young lives. The group of us, our family and the woman who was helping us, went outside to play. We hoped that by running around outside, kids and parents walking by would remember that VBS was starting this week and come join us. The minutes ticked by and no one walked past, at least no one who would be interested in coming out. A few of us went out on the four-wheeler, driving around town to see if any kids were wandering around and text messages were sent out to parents seeing if they wanted to bring their children over. Fifteen minutes went by and only one other girl had shown up. To be honest, I was starting to get discouraged and wishing that we had made more of an effort to invite community kids to come out. I didn't want VBS to be a flop.
Much to my surprise and delight, slowly but surely children started to arrive! When the last one showed up, we had about ten community kids for our first day of VBS! We started things off with a bang getting all the energy out and playing British Bulldog in the front yard. The kids were giggling, screaming and running every which way, trying not to get tagged. After everyone was worn out and tired, we headed inside the HOPE Centre to hear the introductions of the leaders, what VBS was going to look like this week, and how excited we were to have them here with us. We sang a few songs with actions, shouting and jumping around. Snack was served and you could hear the kids crunching away on their gooey Rice Krispie treats. Then, the young woman got up and taught the kids the memory verse for that day, John 3:16, a simple but beautiful summary of the gospel that Jesus loved us so much He would come down to save us from our sin and hell so that we could live forever with Him. Then the kids eagerly leaned forward and listened to a picture book story about Treasures in the Snow, ending mid-story with a cliff-hanger to be continued tomorrow! After a song there was another story, this time from the Bible talking about heaven, our eternal HOPE and how it is there we can live with God forever! To wrap up our time with them, we played another game outside and then worked on some memory verse colouring sheets before their parents came to pick them up.
Although we only had a short time with them, it was captivating to just watch their faces as they sang their hearts out in praises to God, recited His word and listened intently to the stories about who He is. I don't know where each of these kids are at, but I'm hoping that the Holy Spirit begins to stir in each of their hearts and draw them to Himself this week. No matter what their lives are like at home or what they are being taught, they get to come to the HOPE Centre for a few hours each day as a safe haven in the midst of the confusion and darkness of the world they live in and experience love and life. I am reminded that despite their young age, I was only five years old when I trusted Jesus with my heart and gave my life to him. I am praying that this will be the case with each of these little lives. We are praying that each child will come back tomorrow and with them, bring their friends and siblings to learn and discover about this amazing HOPE that Jesus gives through VBS. We have this week, this window of time to encourage the child-like faith that Jesus talked about while He was here on Earth. This child-like faith may be the spark, the catalyst, for a whole new generation of young lives on fire for Christ here in Ross River.
- Rachael Allen, Ministry Intern with SEND North for Summer 2016